Create a New Sensitive Data Scan

To create a new Sensitive Data Scan:

1. In the top right of the screen, click Add Scan.

2. Fill in the Name and Description (optional).

3. Click Next to proceed, Previous to return to the previous screen, or Exit Without Saving
to discard.

4. Click Sensitive Data Scan.

5. On the Select a Playbook to apply to the scan screen, choose a Playbook for your scan.

a. Click a Playbook from the list to highlight it.

b. To search for a specific Playbook, type the name of the Playbook in the search box and the results are displayed below. Click the x to clear the search term.

6. Click Next to proceed, Previous to return to the previous screen, or Exit Without Saving
to discard.

7. On the Select the target type to scan, choose a Target type. Expand a section for more information.