Getting Started with Spirion Sensitive Data Platform

Sensitive Data Platform (SDP)


Sensitive Data Platform (SDP) is a software as a service (SaaS) analytics platform that helps you discover, classify, remediate, and report on sensitive data on premises and in the cloud. You can automate complex tasks and workflows to discover, classify, understand, control, and protect sensitive data to ensure compliance with ever-changing regulations, avoid costly fees, protect against data breaches, and defend your reputation.


SDP scans a comprehensive and competitive range of locations, including file types, structured and unstructured data, major email servers, cloud repositories, databases, employee laptops, and more. The system is designed to be easily used and customized, with user levels from Admin to End User, based on profile.


You can view and make decisions about data in a web-based program using intuitive screens and processes. Reports can be automatically generated, and findings published to your clients to comply with regulations. The system supports standard information types and customization on many levels.

SDP Release Notes


Note: For Spirion Sensitive Data Manager (SDM) User Guides, see:

• SDM Console User Guide
• SDM Windows User Guide
• SDM Mac User Guide