User Guide
SPIglass™ Dashboard
The Sensitive Private Information Dashboard (SPIglass™) Dashboard is a dashboard with a specific focus on key metrics and findings of interest to board members or executives. Each chart depicts a high-level roll up of data to inform what Spirion is doing for your organization and where to focus your attention in managing sensitive data. Expand a section for more information:

Compensating Controls: Displays the total cost of all sensitive data matches with compensating controls in place. These include:
Restricted Access
Script Execution
Playbook User Action
Note: All costs are taken from the dollar value assigned to each data type in the global data types settings in the Data Asset Inventory. See Working with Data Asset Inventory for more information.

Remediated Risk: Displays the total cost of all sensitive data matches that have been found and subsequently removed from view via the shred or redact process.
Data Type:
Dollar Value (Default $8.00)
Leverage Playbook Actions:
Note: All costs are taken from the dollar value assigned to each data type in the global data types settings in the Data Asset Inventory. See Working with Data Asset Inventory for more information.

Organizational Data Risk displays all the scanned data in your environment. The data is displayed by:
Inherent: Represents all Sensitive Data identified. It is displayed in the colored portion of the outermost bar and the measurement (volume) indicated in the center of the circle labeled Sensitive Data.
Compensating Controls: Data that has some form of Compensating Controls in place (Managed Data in SDP). Managed Data represents a percent of Sensitive data that has been addressed in one of the following ways:
Restrict Access
User Action
Residual: Displays data that is exposed. This is specifically matched data that still in the your environment and has not been managed to reduce accessibility or remediated.
Note: The total of Compensating Controls data and Residual data is equivalent to the total Sensitive data, but will likely not be equivalent to the total scanned data.

Displays the five data types with the most matches and all other data type matches shown as Other.
Hover over a section to view more detail.
Click Details to view the Sensitive Data Distribution across all repository types. This displays the version of the Scans Dashboard Sensitive Data Distribution chart. (See Using Scans Dashboard for more information.)

Inherent Risk displays the risk of data in your environment at any given point in time. It is the combination of Compensating Controls data and residual data.
All Remediated items are filtered out as they are no longer At Risk.
The File Count is Managed vs Unmanaged (Playbook Actions for Managed Data).
Y Axis
Indicates the total number of locations with sensitive data.
The Total Residual Data is represented stacked on top of the total Compensating Controls data.
Residual Data is represented in Alert Pink.
Compensating Controls data is represented in Amber.
X Axis
Indicates the month of the year in which the inherent risk was at the level indicated on the Y axis.

Repository Type Risk displays the SDV3™ risk score of each repository type in your environment (Asset Assignment for all Scanned Targets). The score is calculated by averaging the risk score associated with all Assets within a specific repository.
Note: This feature requires that Data Type Values and Asset Security Measures are entered.
Repository Types: You can hover over a type to view its details.
Local (Scans)
Files & Folders (Remote Scans)
Collaboration Tools
The Repository Type Risk score is indicated by the relative square size in the chart. Each square is color-coded based on a set risk score threshold with the highest risk score always highlighted in Alert Pink.
The Risk/Monetary toggle enables you to display the chart by monetary value, which may not correspond with the highest risk if the repository has a low vulnerability but a high value. The monetary values are indicated in the chart in the same manner as risk score.

Areas of Exposure displays the total sensitive data matches in each department as identified in the Data Asset Inventory.
SD Distro
% Of Each DT for Total Findings (Scan for Data Types)
Areas of Exposure
Asset Department Assignment in DAI
Scanned Targets assigned to Assets in DAI
Each section represents a department or matches without a corresponding department
Hover over a section to view a total match count of each department.
The total match count for the environment is displayed in the center of the chart.
The legend lists the percent of matches for each department. For example: Human Resources, Sales, Engineering, etc.

Regulation Exposure displays the dollar value and match count of data identified in Assets with a regulation property.
Reg Exposure
Asset Regulation Assignment in DAI
Scanned Targets Assigned to Assets In DAI
The dollar value of each regulation is indicated by the size and color of the squares in the chart.
The highest Dollar value is always depicted in Alert Pink.
Hover over a section for more detail.
Note: For Regulation Exposure to be accurate, you must set up Assets in your Data Asset Inventory (DAI) and include relevant regulations. (See Getting Started with DAI for more information.)