User Guide
Working with Data Assets and Targets
The Data Assets and Targets screen is where you can view and manage Assets and Targets.
Locations, physical or cloud, that contain Targets. For example, an SQL Server housed at your business or a Dropbox account you maintain.
They contain single or multiple Targets
They may be a type that can be listed, but Targets are not scannable at this time.
Any data locations within an Asset that SDP can scan.
They can be in a “physical” box that can be scanned or a cloud Asset with data.
An SQL server (Asset) with multiple SQL Databases hosted on it (Targets)
A SharePoint Online instaddance (Asset) with multiple sites (Targets)
A Workstation (Asset and single Target), or a Azure Data lake (Asset that can’t be scanned)
Expand a section for more information:

1. From the left menu, click Data Asset Inventory.
2. Click Data Assets and Targets.
3. On the Data Assets and Targets screen there are two tabs, Assets and Targets.
4. The Assets tab displays in a table with these column headings:
Asset Name
Asset Type
Admin Department
Asset Owner
Hosting Location
SDV3 Risk
More options 3 vertical dots
5. The Asset information in the table is automatically populated by the Scan history.
6. The Targets tab displays two sections:
List of Targets:
This column displays all available targets.
If applicable, click the (>) icon next to a target in the list to expand the parent target and view the child target(s).
Table with these column headings:
Last Heartbeat
SDV3 Risk
More options (3 vertical dots)

You can search for a Data Asset by:
Asset Name
Asset Type
Admin Department
Asset Owner
Hosting Location
1. Type the query in the search box and the results are sorted and displayed in the list.
2. Click the x to clear the search term.

When you create a new Data Asset, you need to fill out the information in the tabs and their respective fields. Some data is required and some is optional. Each section indicates what the requirements are (red *) and if you have met them using this criteria:
• Some of the fields are required: |
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• Fields in this section are optional: |
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• All required fields are completed: |
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To create a new Data Asset:
1. In the top right of the screen, click New Asset.
2. The New Asset screen opens to the Technical Info tab. It displays a table with four collapsed sections.
3. This screen is one of 4 tabs: Technical Info, Targets, Business processes, and Summary.
4. Use the (˅) icon to expand any section on a tab.

1. Names, Description, & Status: Enter this information:
a. Name: Type the Asset name. This is required entry field.
b. Description: Type the Asset description.
c. Status: Select an option from the drop-down list. This is a required entry field.

1. Each entry field is required.
a. Asset Owner: Select an option from the drop-down list. You can manually add an owner and this activates the Edit option.
b. Administrating Department: Select an option from the drop-down list. You can add and edit an administrating department as well.
Add an Asset Owner
1. Click the ADD link at the entry field.
2. Enter this information in the New Asset Owner pop-up window:
1) Name:
2) Title:
3) Phone:
4) Email:
Note: The New Asset Owner window contains a message at the bottom: By choosing to create this new entry, you are populating a global list that you will be able to re-use in other Data Assets.
3. Click Save & Add to save or Cancel to discard the changes.

1. Select an asset owner from the drop-down list to edit.
2. Click the EDIT link at the entry field.
3. The Edit Asset Owner window opens. Add this information:
1) Name:
2) Title:
3) Phone:
4) Email:
4. You can select Delete in this window to delete the Asset Owner. Click Save to save or Cancel to discard the changes.
5. If deleting an Asset Owner you are prompted to Confirm your selection.

1. Click the ADD link at the entry field.
2. Fill in the Name on the New Administrating Department pop-up window.
3. Click Save & Add to save or Cancel to discard the changes.

1. Select an administrating department from the drop-down list to edit.
2. Select EDIT to edit the Department information.
3. Edit the Name on the Edit Administrating Department pop-up window:
4. Click Save to save or Cancel to discard the changes or Delete to delete the Administrating Department.
5. If deleting an Administrating Department you are prompted to Confirm your selection.
This setting is optional.
1. Hosting Provider: Type the hosting provider name.
2. System ID: Type the provider system ID.
3. Hosting Locations:
4. Click the + Hosting Locations button.

1. Select a location from the list.
2. Click Add Selected.
3. The location appears as a tile in the Hosting Locations section.

1. Click + Hosting Locations.
2. Type the name of the location in the search box. The matching location(s) are displayed.
3. Select the location and click Add Selected.
4. The location appears as a tile in the Hosting Locations section.

1. Click + Hosting Locations.
2. Enter the information:
a. Name: Type the name of the hosting location.
a. Country: Select an option from the drop-down list.
b. Address Line 1: Type the address.
c. Address Line 2: Type the second address line, if applicable.
d. City: Type the name.
e. State/Province: Type the name.
f. Zip/Postal Code: Type the code.
3. Click Save & Add to add the new location or Cancel to discard.
4. Click +Hosting Locations.
5. Search and select the newly added location from the list.
6. Click Add Selected.
7. The location appears as a tile in the Hosting Locations section.

1. The selected Hosting Location appears in the Hosting Locations section.
2. Click the x and the selected Hosting Location is deleted.
Note: This action is immediate and cannot be undone.
Security Measures: This is optional.

1. Click + Organizational Security Measures.
2. Select a security measure from the list and click Add Selected.
3. The security measure appears as a tile in the Organization Security Measures section.

1. Click + Organizational Security Measures.
2. Type the name of the security measure in the search box. The matching measure(s) are displayed.
3. Select the location and click Add Selected.
4. The security measure appears as a tile in the Organizational Security Measures section.

1. Click + Organizational Security Measures.
2. Click + Organization Security Measures.
3. Select + Organizational Security Measures and enter the information.
a. The Name is the only required field.
b. The Description field is optional.
c. Click Save & Add to create the security measure or Cancel to discard.
4. Select the new security measure from the list and click Add Selected.

1. The selected security measure appears in the Organizational Security Measures section.
2. Click the x to delete the security measure.
Note: This action is immediate and cannot be undone.

You can manage your Technical Security Measures with the following:

1. Click + Technical Security Measures.
2. Select a security measure from the list and click Add Selected.
3. The technical security measure is displayed in the Technical Security Measures section.

1. Click the +Technical Security Measures button.
2. Type the name of the technical security measure in the search entry field. The matching measure(s) are displayed.
3. Select the technical security measure from the list and click Add Selected.
4. The selected technical security measure appears in the Technical Security Measures section.

1. Click +Technical Security Measures.
2. Click +Technical Security Measures.
3. In the + Technical Security Measure window, enter this information:
a. Name: Type the name of the new technical security measure.
b. Description: Type a description of the new technical security measure.
c. Vendor: Select an option from the drop-down list.
d. Click Save & Add to create the security measure or Cancel to discard.
4. Select the new technical security measure from the list and click Add Selected
5. The security measure appears in the Technical Security Measures section.

1. In the Technical Security Measures section, locate the security measure you want to delete.
2. Click the x next to the selected technical security measure and it is deleted.
Note: This action is immediate and cannot be undone.
5. Click Next to go to the next tab or Exit Without Saving to discard.

The tab allows you to select the Targets and the Asset Type.
1. Click the ˅ icon to expand the Asset Type & Targets section.
a. Asset Type: This is required. Select a type from the Spirion Delivered list from the drop-down list. Use Edit and Add options to manage the asset types.
1. Tag Group is a selectable option listed in the Asset Type drop-down menu.
b. Asset Subtype: This is optional. The Subtype list is based on the chosen Asset Type. Select a Subtype for the selected Asset Type from the drop-down list.
2. Targets: Targets display based on the selection in the Asset Type section.
3. When a Target in the list has a Tag assigned an arrow (circled in this image) appears next to the listed Target.
a. All Targets:
1) To search a specific target, type the name in the search entry field.
Note: Target appears grey if it is already selected in another data asset.
2) To expand a Target in the list, click the chevron (>) next to the name.
3) To add a Target, click the right arrow next to the target name and it moves to the Selected Targets field.
b. Selected Targets: To move a Target back to the All Targets field, click the arrow next to the target name. This field is required.
5. Click Next to go to the next tab, Previous to go to the previous tab, or Exit Without Saving to discard.

1. Click the Business Processes button.
2. Select a process to add and click Add Selected.
3. The selected process appears as a row section. Click the chevron (>) to expand the section.

1. Click the Business Processes button in the top, right corner of the screen.
2. Type the process name in the search field.
3. When found, Add Selected.

1. Locate a business process in the list.
2. Click Detach.
3. Click Next to go to the next tab, Previous to return to a previous tab, or Exit Without Saving to discard.
Note: This action is immediate and cannot be undone.

1. Click the right arrow to expand each section.
2. Review for any missing required information or additional needed information.
3. Click Finish & Save to save, Previous to return to previous screens or click a tab to navigate to other tabs to change information, or Exit Without Saving to discard.

To manage an existing Data Asset:
1. Locate the Data Asset in the list.
2. On the right end of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click Manage Data Asset.
4. Locate the section and details you want to manage. They are displayed in a list sorted by tabs and then into rows:
Technical Info
Names, Status & Type
Owner & Department
Security Measures
Business Processes
Technical Info
Data Content
Business Process
5. Click the ˅ icon to expand a section.
6. Click ˄ icon to collapse a section.
7. Make required updates to the details.
8. Click Next to proceed or Exit Without Saving to discard.
9. Make any additional changes to the remaining tabs, click Next to proceed or Exit Without Saving to discard.
10. On the Summary tab, expand the sections to review your changes.
11. Click Finish & Save to save the updates, Previous to return to previous tabs, or Exit Without Saving to discard.

1. Locate the Data Asset in the list.
2. On the right end of the row, click the More options menu.
3. Click View Asset Details.
4. The Asset Details screen now has two tabs, the Data Content tab and the Coverage & Data Types tab.
5. The Data Content tab displays a Data Table.
6. The Data Table displays the Target, Data Volume, Data Types and Classifications columns.
7. When you select an asset from the drop-down list, the table is automatically populated.
8. The Coverage & Data Types tab provides scan coverage details about the targets associated with the asset. The tab displays these columns:
c. Data Type: The data types scanned for the targets associated with the asset.
d. Scanned?: Indicates whether the scan is performed on a data type.
e. Unscanned Targets: Targets that are not scanned for a data type.
f. Scanned Targets: Targets that are scanned for a data type.
g. Date of Last Scan: Date when the last data type scan was performed.
h. Playbook (s): The playbook associated with the scan to find and perform actions on the data types.

1. Locate the Data Asset in the list.
2. On the right end of the row, click the More options menu.
3. Click Delete Data Asset.
4. Click Confirm to delete the asset or Cancel to discard.

1. From the All Targets section of the Targets tab, locate the target you want to view in the list.
2. On the far right of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click View Target Details.
4. The Target Details screen displays detailed information about the Target. By default the selected target name appears in the drop-down list. If you select any other target name, the details below displays for the selected target only.
5. If you select any other target name, the details below displays for the selected target only.
6. Click the down arrow to display the Scan History section. The section lists the scans run on the target and displays the following information in columns:
a. Scan Name: The name of scan.
b. Data Type(s): The data type searched for in the scan.
c. Date of Scan: The date when the last scan for this data type was performed.
d. Playbook: The playbook associated with the scan to search and perform action on the data type.
7. Click the down arrow to display the Coverage and Data Types section. The section displays which data types are scanned and not scanned for the selected target. The section displays the following information:
a. Data Type: The name of data type.
b. Scanned: Indicates whether a data type is scanned or not.
a. Date of Last Scan: The date of last scan for a data type.
b. Playbook: The playbook associated with the scan to search and perform actions on the data types.
8. Click Back to All Targets on the top of the Target Details screen to go back to the Targets tab.
9. Click Close to close the window.

1. Type a Target name in the search box.
2. Click the search lens or Enter on your keyboard.
3. The results are displayed in the list below.
4. Click the x to clear the search term.

There are six New Target types available. Expand a section for more information:

To add a new Remote Machine:
1. In the upper right screen, click Add Target.
2. Target Name: In the Add New Target pop-up window, type the name of the target.
3. Click Remote Machine to proceed or Cancel to discard.
4. Address Type: Click an option from the drop-down list:
- IP Address
- IP Wildcard
- IP Range
5. Address: Type the address of your chosen address type.
Refer to the address syntax message that displays on the page to type the valid address values in the box.
6. Username: Type the username associated with the account.
7. Password: Type the password associated with the username.
8. Mode: Select one:
- Authenticate
- Authenticate and Scan
- Scan
9. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

To add a new Database:
1. In the upper right screen, click Add Target.
2. Target Name: In the Add New Target pop-up window, type the name of the target.
3. Click the Database tile to proceed or Cancel to discard.
4. In the Select a Database to Configure pop-up window:
- Click a Database tile to configure:
- Oracle
- SQLServer
- Informix
- InterBase
- SQLBase
- SAP SQL Anywhere
- SQLite
- PostgreSQL
- mongoDB
- Snowflake
- Click Back to return to the previous screen.
- Click Cancel to discard.
5. When you select an SQL database, the Add New SQL Database Target allows you to select the option Active Directory Authentication. This allows you to connect an agent to a remote SQL database server.
6. Otherwise, continue with these steps.
7. Connection String: Type the connection string to your type of database.
Examples are provided at the end of this section
8. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

Provider=OracleSQLAPI;DB Name=instance_name;Host=host_name;Port=port;Service=service_name;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=2;APPNAME=SDP;
SQL Server Authentication: Provider=MSSqlSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Server=server_name;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=3;
Windows/AD Authentication: Provider=MSSqlSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Server=server_name;Trusted_Connection=yes
Provider=SybaseSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Server=server_name;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=8;APPNAME=SDP;
Provider=DB2SQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=6;
Provider=InformixSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=7;
Provider=InterBaseSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=4;
Provider=SQLBaseSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=5;
SQL Anywhere
Provider=SQLAnywhereSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Server=server_name;Host=host_name;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=12;
Provider=MySQLSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Server=server_name;Port=port;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=9;
Provider=SQLiteSQLAPI;DB Name=database_path;DB Type=11;
Provider=PostgreSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Server=server_name;Port=port;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=10;APPNAME=SDP;
ODBC (generic)
Provider=ODBCSQLAPI;DB Name=database_name;Username=user_name;Password=password;DB Type=1;

To add a new Website:
1. In the upper right screen, click Add Target.
2. Target Name: In the Add New Target pop-up window, type the name of the target.
3. Click Website to proceed or Cancel to discard.
4. In the Add a Target pop-up window, fill in the following:
a. Address: Type the website address.
b. Username: Type the username for the website management.
c. Password: Type the password associated with the username.
5. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

To add new Cloud Source:
1. In the upper right screen, click Add Target.
2. Target Name: In the Add New Target pop-up window, type the name of the target.
3. Click Cloud Sources to proceed or Cancel to discard.
4. In the Select a Cloud Source to Configure pop-up window, click a tile:
- Dropbox
- OneDrive for Business
- Google Drive
- box
- Amazon S3
5. Expand a section for more information:

To add a Dropbox target:
1. Target Name: Type the Target name.
2. Admin User Account Name: Type the admin user account name and click Authenticate.
3. Authentication Code: Enter the code.
4. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

To add a One Drive for Business target:
1. Target Name: Type the Target name.
2. Admin User Account Name: Type the admin user account name and click Authenticate.
3. Authentication Code: Enter the code.
4. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

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To add a Google Drive target:
1. Target Name: Type the Target name.
2. Admin User Account Name: Type the admin user account name.
3. Service Account Email or Unique ID: Type the service account email address.
4. Key Data File:Click the upload icon () to locate the key data file on your local computer.
5. Key Data File Password: Type the password associated with your key data file.
6. Private Key Id: Type the private key identification number.
7. Project Id: Type the google project id.
8. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.
Note: You must authorize Spirion to access your Google domain.

To add a box target:
1. Target Name: Type the Target name.
2. Admin User Account Name: Type the admin user account name and click Authenticate.
3. Authentication Code: Enter the code.
4. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

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To add an Amazon S3 target:
1. Target Name: Type the Target name.
2. Account Name: Type the Account name.
3. Access Key ID: Type your Access Key ID.
4. Secret Access Key: Type your Secret Access Key.
5. Click Save to authenticate and save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

To add a new collaboration tools:
1. In the upper right screen, click Add Target.
2. Target Name: In the Add New Target pop-up window, type the name of the target.
3. Click Collaboration Tools.
4. Select a Collaboration Tool to Configure:
5. Expand a section for more information:

To add a new SharePoint target:
1. Target Name: Type the target name.
2. Address: Type the URL to the SharePoint site being scanned.
3. Domain: Type the domain path.
4. Username: Type the username associated.
5. Password: Type the password associated.
6. Identity Provider ID: Type the Client ID.
7. Security Token Service: Type the token service.
8. Tenant: Type the Tenant name.
9. Certificate File: Upload the Certificate associated with the Tenent.
10. Select applicable:
Use TLS 1.0
Use TLS 1.1
Use TLS 1.2
Using Certificate Authentication
Certificate Authentication requires a fully registered EntraID Application with a certficiate configured for authentication purposes. Information on how to provision that application appropriately can be found here: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.
The following data is necessary from the registered app as well as from SharePoint:
1. Address: Type the Address
2. Identity Provider ID: EntraID Application ClientID
3. Tenant: FULL Tenant name (e.g.
4. Certificate: Upload the certificate (Confirm a certificate has been uploaded to the App - that is the same certificate we will use)
5. Password: The password to the certificate
Note: The EntraID application needs to be granted access rights to the SharePoint Sites or Tenant that will be scanned. If the rights are limited to Read access, then no remediation or modification of files can occur
6. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

To add a new Bitbucket target:
1. Target Name: Type the target name.
2. Admin User Account Name: Type the admin user account name.
3. Server URL: Type the full server URL.
4. Password: Type the password associated with the username.
5. Click Save to save, Back to return to the previous screen, or Cancel to discard.

1. In the upper right screen, click Add Target.
2. Target Name: In the Add New Target pop-up window, type the name of the target.
3. Click an email type to proceed, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen:
4. Expand a section for more information:

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To add a Gmail endpoint:
1. Admin User Account Name: Type the admin user account name.
2. Service Account Email or Unique ID: Type the service account email address or unique id.
3. Key Data File: Click the upload icon () to locate a file on your local computer.
4. Key Data File Password: Type the password associated with the key data file.
5. Private Key Id: Type the private key identification number.
6. Project Id: Type the project id.
7. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

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To add an Exchange target:
1. Username: Type the username for the account.
2. Password: Type the password associated with the username.
3. Exchange EWS Host URL: Type the full URL of the Exchange EWS host.
4. AD Host (optional): Type the host name. This is optional.
5. Host Version: Click an option from the drop-down list.
6. LDAP Query (optional): Type the query. This is optional.
7. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard, or Back to return to the previous screen.

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To add an Exchange Online target, select on of the following types. Expand a section for more information:

1. Select Use On-Prem Agents.
2. Target Name: Type the Target name.
3. Admin User Account Name: Type the admin user account name
4. Click Authenticate.
5. Click Save to save the Target or Cancel to discard.

1. Locate the Target you want to edit in the list.
2. On the far right of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click Edit Target.
4. In the edit pop-up window, make needed changes. For example:
Update the Connection String for the SQLServer Database Target:
Edit the details of a Remote Connection:
5. Click Save to save changes or Cancel to discard.
6. A toast message is displayed showing a successful update.

1. Locate the Target you want to manage in the list.
2. On the far right of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click Manage Tag.
4. Select Tag(s) to assign to a Target.
5. Click Save to save changes or Cancel to discard.
6. A toast message is displayed showing a successful update.

1. Locate the target you want to remove from the list.
2. On the far right of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click Remove Target.
4. In the pop-up window that displays, click Confirm to remove the target or Cancel to discard.
5. A toast message is displayed showing a successful removal.

1. Locate the target for which you want to manage permissions.
2. On the far right of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click Manage Permissions.
4. In the Manage Permissions for Target window, search the user or user role for which to manage the target's permission.
5. From the more options menu, click Edit Permission to edit the target's permission for user or user role.
6. On the Edit Target Permissions window, select any of the following options from the Result Permission drop-down list.
Unmask view
7. Select any of these options from the Result Permission drop-down list.
8. Select Modify under the Target Permission drop-down list.
9. Click Confirm to save or Cancel to discard.

1. Locate the target for which you want to manage permissions.
2. On the far right of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click Manage Permissions.
4. In the Manage Permissions for Target pop-up window, search the user or user role for which to remove the target's permission.
5. From the more options menu, click Remove Permission to remove permission of user or user role from the selected target.
6. Click Confirm to save or Cancel to discard.

1. From the All Targets section, select Target group.
2. Check the box to select Targets to bulk assign tags.
3. Click Bulk Actions.
1) Click SHOW to highlight the target selections in a box.
2) Click HIDE to clear the target selections in a box.
3) Click CLEAR SELECTIONS to clear the selected targets to bulk assign tags.
4. Click Assign Tag.
5. In the Bulk Assign Tag pop-up window, select the Tags to apply.
6. Click Save to apply the tags or Cancel to discard.
7. A toast message is displayed showing the tag(s) are successfully added.

Only a user with the Manage permission can bulk import targets from a tabular file. An Admin has to grant the user this permission in the User Management area.
The Bulk Import of Targets feature supports importing 0-1,000+ targets of multiple types from an imported .csv or Excel template. After importing, the Console checks for errors and generates a new target for each one included in the template. If errors are detected, no import occurs, and the errors are displayed in the console for the user to work with, if applicable.
To assign a tag to multiple targets:
1. In the Data Assets and Targets screen select the Targets tab.
2. In the displayed table, check one or more Targets. The Bulk Actions button displays.
3. From the Bulk Actions button select Assign Tag.
4. The Bulk Assign Tag window opens. It contains an Targets area showing the selected targets and a Select Tag area that lists the current tags that are available
Note: If a tag name is reused a numerical increment is added to the tag name.
To bulk import Targets for a multiple Target Types using csv/zip files:
1. In the top, right of the screen, click Actions.
2. Click Import Targets.
3. On the Import Targets pop-up window:
a. Select the Target Type from the Target Type drop-down list.
b. Click the icon to download a csv/zip file template for the selected Target Type. You can also import a file with multiple Target Types.
c. Downloaded csv/zip file is displayed at the top right of the screen.
d. Enter and save details for targets in the downloaded csv/zip file.
Expand the section below to know more about the different target type templates.

Target Type | Column Names | Important Notes |
Amazon S3 |
All the column values are mandatory |
Azure Blob |
All the column values are mandatory |
Bitbucket |
All the column values are mandatory |
Database |
All the column values are mandatory |
Exchange |
All the column values are mandatory except AD Host and LDAP Query columns |
Gmail |
All the column values are mandatory except Private Key ID and Project ID columns |
Google Drive |
All the column values are mandatory except Private Key ID and Project ID columns |
Remote Target |
All the column values are mandatory |
SharePoint |
All the column values are mandatory except Domain, Identity Provider ID and Security Token Service columns |
Website |
All the column values are mandatory |
e. Click the icon to browse and select the completed csv/zip file.
To upload Gmail and Google Drive imports, first place the CSV file and each target's .p12 file in a zip folder.
f. Enter a Tag name for the imported csv/zip file. Or Assign the Tag name from the Bulk Actions button.
g. Click Import. A toast message is displayed showing the target import success at the bottom left of the screen.