User Guide
Manage Business Processes
The Business Processes screen is where you can view and manage your business processes. It's important to remember Business Processes contain:
The Process purpose
Who is the owner of the Process
How it is defined
How the data is controlled
How the data flows
Expand a section for more information:

1. From the left menu, click Data Asset Inventory.
2. Click Business Processes.
3. Business Processes are displayed in a list sorted by:
Business Process Name
Purpose for Processing
Last Modified
More options
4. Click a column to sort ascending.
5. Click the column again to sort descending.

You can search for business process by:
- Business Process Name
- Purpose for Processing
- Owner
1. Type the query in the search box and the results are sorted and displayed in the list below.
2. Click the x to clear the search term.

To add a new Business Process:
1. In the top right of the screen, click New Business Process.
Note: Items marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

1. The Process Definition Tab is divided into two sections:
Compliance Processing Information
2. In a tab section, click a right arrow to expand a section or a left arrow to collapse a section.

To add a General Process Definition, fill in the following:
1. Name: Process name (maximum 50 characters)
2. Description: Process description (maximum 50 characters)
3. Business Process Owner: Do one of the following:
a. Add an existing owner:
1) Click the down arrow () to view the drop-down list.
2) Click an option from the drop-down list.
b. Add a new Business Process Owner:
1) Click Add.
2) Name: Type the process name. (maximum 50 characters)
3) Title: Type the process title. (maximum 50 characters)
4) Phone: Type the phone number.
5) Email: Type the email address.
6) Click Save & Add to create or Cancel to discard.
4. Processing Department: Do one of the following:
a. Add an existing Processing Department:
1) Click the down arrow () to view the drop-down list.
2) Click an option from the drop-down list.
b. Create a new Processing Department:
1) Click Create New Processing Department.
2) In the Name box, type the new processing department name.
3) Click Save & Add to create or Cancel to discard.
5. Effective Date: Click the Effective Date box to activate it.
a. Change the Day of the Current Month: Click a different day of the current month.
b. Change the Month:
1) Click the Effective Date box.
2) Click a different month.
3) Click the Effective Date box again to choose the day.
4) The date is displayed in the Effective Date box.
c. Change Year:
1) Click the Effective Date box.
2) Click the year link.
3) Click a year from the list.
4) Reset: To reset the date, click the x.
6. End Date: Click the End Date box to activate it.
a. Change the Day of the Current Month: Click a different day of the current month.
a. Change the Month:
1) Click the End Date box.
2) Click a different month.
3) Click the End Date box again to choose the day.
b. Change Year:
1) Click the End Date box.
2) Click the year link.
3) Click a year from the list.
c. Reset: To reset the date, click the x.

Fill in the following:
1. Does this process use personal information: Select one:
2. Purpose for Processing: Process purpose. (maximum 250 characters)
3. Report in Subject Request: Select one:
4. Legal Basis for Processing: Select an option from the drop-down list.
5. Categories of personal Information:
a. Click Categories.
b. Select an option from the drop-down list.
c. Click Add Selected.
6. Click Next to proceed or Exit Without Saving to discard.

1. The Data Control tab has four sections:
Responsible Parties
Controllers & Processors
2. In a tab section, click a down arrow to expand a section or a up arrow to collapse a section:

To add a Location:
1. Click Location.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Use an existing location:
1) Select a location from the drop-down list.
2) Click Add Selected.
3) The location is added to the Locations section.
b. Create a new location:
1) Click Create New Location.
2) In the New Location pop-up window, fill in the following:
Name (50 characters maximum)
Select an option from the Country drop-down list
Address Line 1
Address Line 2 (if applicable)
Zip/Postal Code
3) Click Save & Add to add the new location or Cancel to discard.
4) Select the new location from the drop-down list.
5) Click Add Selected.
6) The new location is added to the Location section.

1. Click Regulation.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Use an existing regulation:
1) Select a regulation from the drop-down list.
2) Click Add Selected.
3) The regulation is added to the Regulations section.
b. Add a new regulation:
1) Click Create New Regulation.
2) In the New Regulation pop-up window, fill in the following:
Name (50 characters maximum)
3) Click Save & Add to add the new location or Cancel to discard.
4) Select the new regulation from the drop-down list.
5) Click Add Selected.
6) The new regulation is added to the Regulations section.

1. Click Responsible Party.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Use an existing responsible party:
1) Select an option from the drop-down list.
2) Click Add Selected.
3) The responsible party is added to the Responsible Parties section.
b. Add a new responsible party:
1) Click Responsible Party.
2) Click Create New Responsible Party.
3) In the New Responsible Party pop-up window, fill in the following:
Name (50 characters maximum)
Telephone Number
Country: Select an option from the drop-down list
Address Line 1
Address Line 2 (if applicable)
Zip/Postal Code
4) Click Save & Add to add the new responsible party or Cancel to discard.
5) Select the new responsible party from the drop-down list.
6) The new responsible party is added to the Responsible Parties section.

You can add controllers and processors in this section.
1. To add a controller, do one of the following:
a. Add an existing controller:
1) Click Controller.
2) Click an option from the drop-down list.
3) Click Add Selected.
4) The controller is added to the Controllers section.
b. Add a new controller:
1) Click Controller.
2) Click Create New Controller.
3) In the New Controller pop-up window, fill in the following:
Company Name (50 characters maximum)
Contact Name (50 characters maximum)
Description (250 characters maximum)
Telephone Number
Country: Select an option from the drop-down list
Address Line 1
Address Line 2 (if applicable)
Zip/Postal Code
4) Click Save & Add to add the new controller or Cancel to discard.
5) Select the new controller from the drop-down list.
6) Click Add Selected.
7) The new controller is added to the Controllers section.
2. To add a new processor, do one of the following:
a. To add an existing processor:
1) Click Processor.
2) Select an option from the drop-down list.
3) Click Add Selected.
4) The new processor is added to the Processors section.
b. To add a new processor:
1) Click Processor.
2) Click Create New Processor.
3) In the New Processor pop-up window, fill in the following:
Company Name (50 characters maximum)
Contact Name (50 characters maximum)
Description (250 characters maximum)
Telephone Number
Country: Click an option from the drop-down list
Address Line 1
Address Line 2 (if applicable)
Zip/Postal Code
4) Click Save & Add to add the new processor or Cancel to discard.
5) Select the new processor from the drop-down list.
6) Click Add Selected.
7) The new processor is added to the Processor section.
3. Click Next to proceed, Previous to return to the previous screen, or Exit Without Saving to discard.

1. The Data Flow tab has two sections:
Data Sources
Data Destinations
2. In a tab section, click a down arrow to expand a section or a up arrow to collapse a section:

Do one of the following:
1. Use an existing data source:
a. Click Data Source.
b. Select an option from the drop-down list.
c. Click Add Selected.
d. The data source is added to the Data Sources section.
2. Create a new data source:
a. Click Data Source.
b. Click Create New Data Source.
c. In the New Data Source, fill in the following:
Select Data Source Type: Choose one
Vendor Name (50 characters maximum)
Contact Name (50 characters maximum)
Description (250 characters maximum)
Sale of Information: Choose one
Telephone Number
Address Line 1
Address Line 2 (if applicable)
Zip/Postal Code
d. Click Save & Add to save changes or Cancel to discard.
e. Select the new data source from the drop-down list.
f. Click Add Selected.
g. The new data source is added to the Data Sources section.

To add a data destination, do one of the following:
1. Add an existing destination:
a. Click Data Destination.
b. Click an option from the drop-down list.
c. Click Add Selected.
d. The data destination if added to the Data Destinations section.
2. Create a new data flow:
a. Click Data Destination.
b. Click Create New Data Destination.
c. In the New Data Destination pop-up window, fill in the following:
Select Data Destination Type: Choose one
Vendor Name (50 characters maximum)
Contact Name (50 characters maximum)
Description (250 characters maximum)
Sale of Information: Choose one
Telephone Number
Country: Select an option from the drop-down list.
Address Line 1
Address Line 2 (if applicable)
Zip/Postal Code
d. Click Save & Add to add new destination or Cancel to discard.
e. Select the new destination from the drop-down list.
f. Click Add Selected.
g. The new destination is added to the Data Destinations section.

1. The Summary tab is divided into three sections:
Process Definition.
Data Control
Data Flow
2. In a tab section, click a right arrow () to expand a section or a left arrow (
) to collapse a section.
3. Review each section content for accuracy.
4. To make changes:
a. Click a tab to return to a section. For example: Process Definition tab, Processing Department.
b. Make needed changes.
c. Click the Summary tab to return to review changes.
Note: Missing required items are marked *Required. You cannot save the new process until they are corrected.
5. Click Finish & Save to save the new process, Previous to return to the previous screen, or Exit Without Saving to discard the whole record.

To edit a Business Process:
1. Locate a process in the Business Processes list.
2. In the far right column, click the more options menu .
3. Click Manage Business Process.
4. Click tabs to move between sections. Click a right arrow () to expand a section or a left arrow (
) to collapse a section.
5. Make needed changes in each tab and their sections.
6. Click Save Changes to save updates.
7. Click Generate Report.
8. The detailed Article 30 Report for the records of processing activities generates for a business process.

To delete a Business Process:
1. Click Delete Business Process.
2. Click Confirm to delete a process or Cancel to discard.